island hopping

Week Forty-Nine: Every Matatu For Himself

Week Forty-Nine: Every Matatu For Himself

It was back to school again this week as we popped in to meet St Vianney Primary School, which is another school East Africa Children’s Project work with. Coincidently it was only a couple of days’ ride from the last one, although we very nearly didn’t make it before school was out for the weekend…

Week Thirty-Four: The Week We Visited 864 Temples

Week Thirty-Four: The Week We Visited 864 Temples

We gave the History Channel a run for its money this week, as we traversed centuries of history along the Gujarati coast. Usually we have to cycle hundreds of kilometres between sights we have pinpointed on the map. But this week, we got lucky. The last 376km has offered up eight-hundred-and-sixty-four temples, a few beaches, a fort, palace, mausoleum – and beer…

Week Fourteen: Muhu, Saaremaa & Hiiumaa

Week Fourteen: Muhu, Saaremaa & Hiiumaa

No, those aren’t the names of Dan’s imaginary friends, they’re the names of the three Estonia islands we cycled around this week. Yes, Estonia has islands! We were surprised too…